Accord Update:  We’ve MOVED

If you’ve known us for the past…hmmm… 5 years you’ll know. We’ve been “moving” for quite some time. Moving is a process. Some said it would never happen. Some said it couldn’t be done. But here we are proud to prove to naysayers wrong. Proud to announce: WE HAVE MOVED. Accord Productions officially has new offices but same great work. 

Now before you go changing our contact info in your address books, don’t worry. We are still a production company based in Miami. We are still in our beloved Coconut Grove building. Still on the same top floor. We even have the same suite number (301). We have simply consolidated our space to bridge the great gap that existed before between front of house and back of house. Bringing you one, unified Accord space. 

The New Digs

So when you step off the elevator on the third floor take a right. Then, take another right. Walk down the hall until you come to the glass double doors. We’ve got our reception area and behind it our content producers’ call station. To the right, we have our DUBBING powerhouse station. All the machines and monitors to get our conversion services done. 

We’ve created a brainstorming space, a creative bubble if you will.  We can bounce ideas around and keep things anything but corporate. In the world of production and making tv, cubicles just don’t work. 

Our editing suites are where they’ve always been and our producers have their own section in front of Mike Ball’s office. The kitchen studio is where it always is, and we are almost complete with the new voice over booth. We also have couches for clients and coworkers.

Office Dreams 

 We have Max’s office which FINALLY has a bathroom complete with his one request. A SHOWER! It’s an exciting time in the offices also because JEFF FINALLY HAS AN OFFICE. 

Jeff has wanted an office since he started at Accord. Well, it appears dreams do come true. Thanks to patience, hard work and Rocky. 

That’s right. Rocky has basically built everything in the new space. If you know Rocky, this won’t surprise you. 

Max’s office has 7 monitors and Jeff has 4. If the TV is on they’re not slacking off. They are staying updated, getting ideas, keeping the creative juices flowing. 

What We’re Up To

We feel very fortunate to say that we are busy. As for our conversion services, we have had non-stop orders coming in. We’re guessing quarantine had a lot of people spring cleaning. Which means they found an old box somewhere in their garage or storage closet filled with old tapes and reels. And luckily for them- we’re here. 

So lots of conversion service work happening. No, we’re not converting people (that’s the building next door.) But we do tape conversions where we’ll transfer any tape into a digital file. Or DVD. But trust us on this one, pick the digital file. 

Crew for Hire

 We’re also out filming locally, as businesses are launching or ready to pick-up projects that have been paused. Corporate client work is in full swing. So our crew has been finding themselves all over Miami filming. If you are booking a crew or in need of a crew anywhere in South Florida, give us a call and we can get you scheduled within the same week. 


We are happy to have full steam ahead on our shows and other creative projects. We’ve been doing documentary work here in Miami and also in Kansas and Oklahoma. We’re getting started on creative pre-production for the fourth season of It’s How You Get There. We recently shot in the keys for another segment of Airport Insider. And our social team is busy at work generating buzz around all of the above as well as our latest, Innovation USA

Accord Productions New Offices

We’re rocking and rolling in the new space. Come see us sometime, bring tapes, bring ideas, bring projects. We’re ready. New offices. Same great Accord Productions. If you don’t believe us, come see for yourself.