It’s March Madness- and not just on the courts! We are up to our eyeballs in all the chaos that can come with production. There are a lot of moving parts, and we want to make sure everything occurs like a choreographed dance- not an I-95 car crash. We’re currently filming our second season of Tomorrow’s World Today for The Science channel, and that is taking us all over the globe- literally (we just booked a ticket to Indonesia.) On top of that, we have our usual content for The Beach Channel and our ever increasing client shoots. And those shoots require just as much of our focus and energies.

What’s the saying about best-laid plans? Oh, that’s right- that they often go awry. But at Accord, we believe that what separates the good producers from the great is the ability to get it all done no matter what plans get dashed. Here’s a quick stat sheet of what we’re up to this month. Make sure to follow along with us as we share stories from the front lines.

Accord's Production Statistics for March